Coming Alive to Regeneration

Beyond Sustainability; Beyond Impact

gary gach
6 min readMay 21, 2018

Greetings, Ladies & Gents. This is where I step out on stage, in front of the curtains, and prepare you for what you’re going to see (not me, but the real stars of the show.) So for those of you just now arriving, and those tuning in at home — I’m here to warm up the room to prepare you for an amazing assembly of creative visionaries around the globe carving a regenerative way of putting together time and resources at landscape level, for the betterment of us all. —Are you ready?

What you’re about to see is shaping up to be the next real economics. Maybe economics bores you but need I remind you what’s unreal economics? In a nutshell, that’s an economy predicated upon the assumption of unlimited growth, like Jack and the Beanstalk, up in the clouds, up up up, seems unreal. What’s the only living system defined by endless growth?

[ Answer: Cancer. ]

Hurtling along this way, soon there might not be any ecos left to speak of. Ecos is a common root to ecology and economics (Greek: οἶκος | ςeikos), and means our house hold … family dwelling … the common place … the biosphere … Gaia, our Mother Earth.

